Making a medicine wheel in Chaco Canyon
Pick a place that is special to you to set up your first medicine wheel. Choose a place that is protected, it can be a table, or dresser, or even on the floor.
Stop for a moment and say a prayer for the medicine wheel to change your life, to heal, to protect you and to create sacred space.
Get a compass and find the directions. On our medicine wheel, North is grounding, East is change, South is passion, west is power and healing, and the center is spirit.
Find little animal carvings, animal fetishes, animal toys, stuffed animals or feathers, stones, jewelry, or things that are sacred to you in your life. You can do the guided imagery exercise to help you find the animal who chooses you and its direction or you can simple let an animal call to you or attract you when you look in a direction. Or you can put your animals on the ground and pick one withthout seeing them. For this first medicine wheel, do not worry about which animal starts out. They will change later.
Put your hand down in the east. Think about change, the wind, air, and let an animal call you and put it in the east. It can be an animal you have had or a new one.
Now move your hand to the south. Think about passion, falling in love, energy, fire, and let an animal call you and put it in the south. It can be an animal you have had or a new one.
Now move your hand to the west. Think about healing, power, water, deep dreams, inner spaces, and let an animal call you and put it in the west. It can be an animal you have had or a new one.
Now move your hand to the north. Think about grounding, about family, work, what makes you feel safe, the earth, and let an animal call you and put it in the north. It can be an animal you have had or a new one.
Now put your hand in the center of the circle. The center is your life. Think about your spiritual center, who helps you and guides you, and let an figure or an animal call you and put it in the center. It can be an guide or animal you have had or a new one.
If you wish you can ask the animals what they do for you and how they will help you in your life.
You have now made your first medicine wheel Close your eyes, bless the
medicine wheel, ask it to change your life. Say you will make a medicine
wheel again and leave in peace