This page is about seeing and hearing the ancient ones, the ancient
spirits, the spirit guides. These spirits are around you always and are
waiting to communicate with you. They are part of the earth's structure,
part of Her way of healing herself. They are part of the universe's way
of growing and spiritually evolving. In my view the ancient ones are the
memory of the earth. They are in accessible to us like our own memories
and they are the consciousness body of the earth.
The first step in seeing and hearing the ancient ones is to open yourself
up to the fact that they exist and are around you always. The second step
is to open your eyes and look for them.
Going to where the ancient ones lived
If you go to where they lived, the voices are clearer and easier to hear.
Now going to where the ancient ones lived is no easy proposition. But they
lived everywhere. So why is it not easy to go to their lands? The reason
is that when we build a whole city over a sacred site it muffles the voices,
they are harder to hear. And there always were special places that were
more sacred, holy spots, power places where the resonances were higher
and the powers more easy to access.
So where do you go? The best places are the sacred sites in nature,
the springs, rivers, mountains, caves, ancient trees. Also good are sites
where ceremony was done, like mounds, stone circles, paintings on rocks,
petroglyphs, temple sites, churches, ley lines. Next are village sites,
places of trade, old routes of travel.
Calling them forth
When you have gone to where the ancient were most intensely you call for
them to come. The simplest way is to just ask them to come to you. You
can do this by inviting them, out loud or in your thoughts. All you need
to do is concentrate and with intention call them forth. All traditions
did this is a prayer or invocation and most involved a ritual and an offering.
It first called in Great Spirit and then gave thanks for the earth and
its directions. Then it asked for the ancient ones to come and then they
waited. The prayer or ritual you do are up to you. As you get experienced
in calling in the spirits, you will discover or remember your own way of
doing this. The medicine wheel is one of the most basic ways of calling
in the ancient spirits. If you build a medicine wheel you define sacred
space and invite them to you clearly. But the most important point is to
make intent, pray, and open yourself up to their voices.